Love yourself unconditionally


LOVE yourself. Every single part of you. Warts and all. In order to heal mentally and physically you have to give yourself a break. Every pain, mistake, opinion of yourself that is negative, MUST go!

How can anyone love another if that person doesn’t see their own worth? You cannot expect good healthy relations with another who tries to love you, if you don’t love yourself first.

God made us unique. No one ever has been or ever will be the same as you. You are a special individual created just to be you, even with all your perceived flaws. No matter whether you think your flaws are physical or emotional, please believe that all those flaws add up to make you. They are the very things that make you beautiful, special and loveable.

Loving yourself unconditionally is the first step to healing. Forget all that has gone, all that has been. Just be glad to be you. Tell yourself on a daily basis how amazing you are. If you can, try thinking of all the good things about yourself, all the things that you are proud of. Write them down so you can refer back to them when you need it. This could be pretty blue eyes, and lovely smile, a kind heart or giving of yourself to others. It might be difficult at first to make the list. You are changing your thinking and its likely you have spent years saying only negative things to yourself, but with daily practice, you will learn that there is always more to love than there is to not love.

Every person has something about themselves that they may dislike or want to change. That is pretty normal. But we are talking here about a deep love in your core. Look inside and remind yourself of the wonder you bring to this world and those around you. I’m sure if you asked your best friends to describe you, they would come up with plenty of reasons as to why they love you. You must love you too.

You can do it! I’m still trying too. I work on it constantly but its gradually getting better and I am noticing differences in my thinking and certainly in my confidence. I worry less what others think. This has given me freedom and a realisation that my life is better for the good I think of myself.

Onwards, Kiki xox


” You are smart, you are kind, you are beautiful and you are important.”

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For more advice:

Depression & Anxiety

Well-being techniques





  • Pat palmer

    16/02/2015 at 3:00 pm

    Such lovely thoughts and suggestions.
    Yes to loving ourselves first!! Very hard to do for lots of people. Women especially look at the negatives about themselves.
    You are right about focusing on even one nice/ positive thing. We don’t see what others see in us so yes let’s ask our friends
    And family to tell us more often what they think is good about us!

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