DEPRESSION // Dear Depression,

dear depression
Dear depression,

Now, I know we are old friends. We go back a long way, you and I. But it’s not the kind of friendship I want to encourage. You’re not the kind of friend I want in my life. Fact!

Let’s talk a bit about what you bring to the table: Sadness; on an immeasurable scale. Pain; both physically and to the heart and soul. Dread; when I wake in the morning and you’re there to join me for the day. Negativity on a momentous scale, it seems you don’t like pleasure in anything. Thoughts of death and dying; Why? I love living thank you very much! Listlessness; you suck every drop of energy from me, so all that is left is a dark room with just you and I. Loneliness; even though I’m surrounded by the most loving people on this earth, this party is just you and I.

So with all this in mind I have some words for you. I do NOT succumb. You will NOT beat me. You will NOT tempt me with your endeavors to pull me in. I’ve met you so many times before and I’m lucky to know that you put only fables in my head. And I WILL NOT believe any of it. I’m made of substance you see. I have faith. And love. And hope. Amazing family and friends. All of which are far stronger than you will ever be.

I’m happy for you to be at the table for a little while. Whilst you do your thing. But don’t get comfortable. You’re not staying! And if I have my way, when you’re gone you won’t ever come back. But if you do, then I’ll work beside you once again until your futile attempts to break me get bored!

I will get past you. And again, I’ll be bigger, better, stronger and wiser than before. So for this, I guess I thank you.

I would say best wishes, but you’re such a bitch, all you get from me is a see ya later.

(Ps. For all you suffering right now remember your strength. Remember the thoughts and feelings are temporary albeit hideous. They are a result of your illness. So stay strong. Ride the storm. )

Onwards and upwards my loves. Kiki xxx


  • Your sister

    17/11/2015 at 2:11 pm

    I have sat beside you holding your hand through the good times, and sadly the darkest ones. Over the years, I thought I had grown to have fairly decent understanding of how this could possibly make you feel. I was wrong.

    Never in my life have I been so moved, saddened and in complete awe of you. This beautifully written portrail, of the hideous darkness you have to at times endure, has literally brought me to my knees.

    Its an extraordinary piece that gives a very honest insight into a very frightening and hopeless place. A place where I hope to never venture.

    Your strength has always astounded me. You never let “Her” beat you and after reading this, I can’t quite believe how brave a person you truly are.

    The tenderest of hearts fighting the darkest of demons is so unfair, and though this is your battle, I will continue to stand by you and hold your hand…if nothing else, I will never let go. Ever.

    Fight the good fight by beautiful sister. You are right, “She” will never win…. ❤

    #inspirational #brave #strong #love

    1. BITD

      17/11/2015 at 2:20 pm

      Oh my sister. Such words come from only the best of hearts. We are made of special stuff! I would be nothing without you. Thank you for your constant love, support and faith in me. That’s all I ever need.
      We will overcome. ‘She’ will never win. I’m glad the words show the pain. But it’s only temporary.
      Never let go. I promise exactly the same. Yours alone. Kiki xxx

  • Aeres

    17/11/2015 at 6:21 pm

    Been there lovely lady. You will come through the storm again. Your own words ‘little steps’ Stay strong. You have a great family who love you to the moon and back x

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