cry baby

Why do we cry? What is the real reason? And does it have any benefit, bawling like a baby? Does it help when everything gets too much?

By nature I have never been a crier. I was definitely one to show a stronger front. I rarely showed emotion in that way. To me crying was a sign that I was breaking down. I would always say I’m fine. But the truth is the tears never really came. It’s not like I tried to hold them back. They just didn’t flow. It was just not part of my makeup.

Several months ago I tried a new therapy ( I’ll talk about that in another post). What  happened when I did the therapy was that, I cried. I cried a lot. A real lot. More tears than I’ve ever cried. Ever! I cried for what had been. I cried for what I’ve lost and I cried for what I could lose. The tears we’re literally unstoppable.

It was unbelievable. It was a bit surreal and definitely a bit scary. But most of all it was relief. Relief to have let out so much emotion. Emotion that had sat there for twenty years or more.

Since the therapy I am now officially a crier. I cry regularly. And I don’t mind. I’m happy when the tears come as it means I’ve been holding stuff in too long.

Now I’m not in tears every day. That would freak me out. But probably a few times each month I ‘let it all out’.

Am I better for it? Absolutely. I always feel better now having let the tears flow.

It’s such a new thing to me, but it’s a new part of me that I now embrace. I haven’t ‘done’ anything to bring on the tears. These days they just happen.

Emotion is not a bad thing. Many of my family are really emotional. My sis loves a good cry. And I am now of the opinion that holding back those tears and pushing down those feelings for all those years, did me no good. I now believe that holding it down has caused me more suffering.

Tears have a purpose. I held it in for far too long.

Are you a crier? Do you let the tears flow if you need to? I’m kind of in awe of these people now.

If you’re not a crier, that’s OK too. I managed just fine for most of my life. It’s whatever works for you. But if you feel at any point you are swallowing down the tears, then my advice now is let them roll. if you need a good cry. A good howling, bawl. Then go for it! Cry it out.

I read an article recently about the chemical nature of tears and their purpose. There had been a specific scientific study of tears. The tears’ molecular breakdown. In the study they looked at every type of tear. Sad tears. Depressed tears. Grieving tears. Happy tears. You name it. Each tear group was investigated in great detail. And what’s important is that they found that each one of these types of tears, looked very different under a microscope. And they found that each tear had certain chemistry. Chemistry designed to support the body and mind.

The most important to me was that the depressed tears actually had the chemical serotonin in them. Serotonin is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter in the brain. This neurotransmitter is responsible for mood and emotion. When depressed or anxious, serotonin is usually low. Increases in serotonin lift the mood and are the basis for many anti-depressants.

Reading this article absolutely amazed me. To think our own body creates a tear whose purpose it is to heal us. To make us feel better. To lift our mood. How amazing is that?!. Each tear group had a specific molecular breakdown designed to aid recovery, depending on why the tears were shed.

So, this has given me even more reason to cry it out, as and when the emotion comes.

So, if you’re a crier, keep crying. Its likely your tears are healing you. If you’re not a crier that’s OK too. But if you’re somewhere in between, holding them back, then I say let them flow.

Today I had a good cry. I needed it. And I can honestly say I felt 100% better after.

High five me! I’m now a bawling wreck!!! What’s your experience? Please let me know in the comments,

Onwards and upwards my loves  xxx

NB. What we are talking about here is everyday emotion. When things build up. If you are depressed in any way, then tears maybe be falling at a rate of knots. That is part of the condition. It will get better as you get better. If you are crying consistently, then this may be an indication that your depressed. Read my piece on ‘What do I do if I think I’m depressed’ and seek advice from your GP.


  • Lal

    14/09/2015 at 6:06 pm

    You are so wonderful kiki..
    You know exactly what to say. This is why you have to go through all the pain. I know there will be many who will relate to this open hearted article. People will love you for it!!! Amazing..mum x

    1. BITD

      14/09/2015 at 9:33 pm

      Thanks Lal. You amaze me too for always picking me up. Kiki x

  • Pat Palmer

    18/09/2015 at 11:54 pm

    Liking the research, science bit Kate. Incredible. You are now giving us cry babies full license to keep blabbing at any opportunity as our body needs us to ” let it out”, “let it go !
    It’s great how the body works really.
    Another superb, well written and thought provoking article love.
    Better go get a bigger supply of them tissues then!

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