Category: Well being techniques

29 Results

Well being techniques

  • Dealing with bad days

    With all this good advice and all the techniques and medications out there to help you feel good, how come we still have bad days?  The truth is everyone has bad days. Some worse than others. Some have bad weeks,…

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  • Love – Daily affirmations

      Do you find yourself playing a negative self talk record to yourself on a daily basis? Do you relate to thoughts such as ‘I’m so useless’ ‘I’m so fat’ ‘I’m so stupid’ ‘I wish I could achieve more’. If…

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  • Techniques – Just be

    When your world is consumed by anxiety and depression, you have an overwhelming need to find the solution. It’s like looking for the golden ticket, the ticket to freedom. You try every which way to think yourself out of the…

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  • Techniques- Let’s pretend

    Let’s play let’s pretend. Do you remember that as a child. Pretending to be someone else, usually a grown up or a doctor or teacher. It was a game that offered hours of fun pretending to be someone else. Playing…

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  • Techniques – Worry Time

      What is worry? It’s a pain in the butt is what it is! It has your head spinning, you go back and forth with the same thoughts or a million of them. You feel out of sorts, you can’t…

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